When you rent a property through M J Brinkmann we want you to be assured that you are dealing with a professional, reputable company who will look after you.

MJ Brinkmann understand that the property you are renting will be your home and we will do all we can to ensure that you enjoy living there.

We will make sure your property is well maintained and complies with all the industry safety regulations.  We will deal with any maintenance issues quickly and efficiently with as minimal disruption to you as possible.

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As well as paying the rent, you may also be required to make the following permitted payments.

  • Deposit – This is equivalent to five week rent.
  • Payment in respect of Council Tax.
  • Utility payments – electricity, gas, other fuel, water and/or sewerage rates.
  • Payment of Television Licence
  • Payment in respect of Communication Services – telephone, other than mobile telephones, the internet, cable or satellite television.
  • Rental payments overdue by more than 14 days will be subject to interest at the rate of 3% over the Bank of England Base Rate calculated from the date the payment was due up until the date payment is received.
  • Payment on Variation, Assignment or Novation of the Tenancy Agreement. If the tenant requests for a variation, assignment or novation of a tenancy agreement –   Cost £50.00 inclusive of VAT.
  • Payment for reasonably incurred cost for the loss of keys/security devices.  This amount will be the cost reasonably incurred by the landlord or letting agent.
  • Payment on Termination of Tenancy.   Subject to the landlord agreeing to a termination of tenancy, a charge will be made to the tenant for re-letting the property.  This amount will be the cost reasonably incurred by the Landlord.

M J Brinkmann is part of the Propertymark Client Money Protection Scheme – Main Scheme Member. Scheme Reference: C0130335

M J Brinkmann are members of the Property Redress Scheme – Membership Number: PRS 011015

MJB – Procedure for Handling Monies

We are required by ARLA to confirm the arrangements we have for holding monies on your behalf.

Please note all monies collected on your behalf will be paid into our Client Account which is held with Lloyds Bank, P O Box 132, Butler Place Branch, 1 Butler Place, Westminster, London SW1H 0PR

Under the Tenancy Deposit Scheme tenants(s) deposits will be transferred to an account, with Lloyds Bank plc, PO Box 132, Butler Place Branch, 1 Butler Place, Westminster, London SW1H 0PR to be held in our general Clients Tenant Deposit Account. The account will accrue interest at the appropriate rate; such interest accruing under the account will be due to the agent on termination of the tenancy.